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hardening time中文是什么意思

用"hardening time"造句"hardening time"怎么读"hardening time" in a sentence


  • 凝固期
  • 硬化期
  • 硬化时间


  • However , the setting and hardening time of the concrete , the mortar influences the test results obviously
  • The influence of different technological conditions including ph . mass ratio of gelation , the time of gelation , as well as the hardening time on yields of microcapsulation the efficiency of encapsulation were studied respectively . the microencapsulation condition were also optimized
    采用光学显微镜、 tem 、 sem 、激光粒度分析仪研究了微胶囊的表面形态、包覆效果和粒径分布;采用tg和dsc研究了微胶囊的热稳定性和储热调温效果。
  • 3 . based on the bond test for 33 concrete specimens and gfrp and bending test for 15 beams strengthening with gfrp , surface preparation of concrete , type of epoxy adhesives , thickness of adhesives , hardening time of adhesives , cure condition after strengthening are considered , and the effect on concrete structures strengthening with gfrp causing by construction behavior was analyzed . 4
用"hardening time"造句  


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